I will be trying to attack/revenge as many as I can this year between comms/owed!


she/they • adult • sfw artist

Join my server to gain access to exclusive raffles/comm slots & early access to art + art I don't post publicly!


Art is my only income! I appreciate all purchase from me! I can't thank you enough for your support!


she/they • adult • sfw digital artist • dec 6 (bday)

♡ Likes: Gaming, cooking, my comfort characters, Markiplier, boba, frappicinos & my boyfriendDislikes: Hot weather, loud noises, confrontation, politics, drama, the dark, & traveling
I have adhd, anxiety & a short social battery. These things make it hard to hold conversations, form friendships & I struggle to focus and start tasks. Please be patient with me!


  • Minecraft

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Lethal Company

  • Stardew Valley

  • Subnautica

  • Raft

  • Destiny 2



♡ = Hyperfixated on at the moment


Please read this throughly & respect my boundaries!
If you have any questions, feel free to dm me!



  • Don't try to befriend me if you're under 16. You can still follow/interact with my content!

  • Don't dm me randomly unless you know me or have a question

  • Don't ask to be friends. Friendship comes naturally & can't be formed just by asking

★ DNI ★

  • Pedophile/Proshipper

  • Racist/Xenophobic

  • LGBTQphobic/Transphobic

  • Ableist

  • Incest/Zoophile

  • NSFW account

  • Disrespects pronouns/identity

  • MCYT/DGRP fan/supporter

⋆If you are a fan/supporter of Danganronpa and/or MCYT (Dream specifically), you are still allowed to follow/interact with me. However, please do not try to befriend me.


  • REQUESTS/ART TRADES: I do not do free art, please don't ask. Art trades are mutual only

  • REPOSTING MY ART: Don't repost/redistribute my art. Commissioners may post art I made for them if they ask first & credit me when posting

  • COLORPICKING/REFERENCING: I allow colorpicking/referencing without asking! Please ask if you want to trace my art for learning purposes only! DO NOT USE TRACED WORK FOR MONETARY GAIN!

  • RESPECT: I'm not a machine, I am human! I have feelings & emotions just like you! I need breaks, I get tired, etc! If you respect me I'm more likely to engage with and respect you! We're all trying to survive, lets be kind to eachother.

  • MY OCS: Please don't copy, steal, trace, kin, or roleplay as my ocs. I find it disrespectful. Colorpicking, inspiration & referencing is fine! you can't own colors/concepts!


Gift art is always appreciated! You don't need to ask for permission to draw them!
Please ping/dm me if you draw my ocs! I'd love to share it!

Note: Ref sheets not drawn by me are heavily watermarked on TH. I recommend using DA stash in the case that the ref wasn't made by me